
Medere for Uganda

Medere is among the 7 companies selected by the Call for Innovators of Coopen dedicated to the Health and Wellbeing of the Cariplo Foundation. We will support CBM Italia Onlus in the care and rehabilitation of disabilities in Uganda.

“Bringing 3D printing solution where needed”, is our response to the challenge of the Call for Innovators of Coopen dedicated to the Health and Wellbeing of the Cariplo Foundation, which aims to promote the identification of innovative, sustainable and concrete technological solutions, to address specific challenges related to the sustainable development in the African continent through partnerships between Italian Civil Society Organisations (“CSOs”) and entities operating in the field of innovation (as indicated in the call for proposals that you can find in the following link).

Medere will bring his experience in the biomedical field to the challenge launched in Uganda by CBM Italia Onlus: technological innovation for a better and more efficient use and maintenance of the machinery and medical instruments present in the territory.

CBM Italia Onlus collaborates with CoRSU (Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services of Uganda for People with Disabilities), a hospital for medical rehabilitation and specialized surgery. CoRSU is a center of excellence in East Africa for the treatment and rehabilitation of orthopedic and plastic disabilities, especially in children. More information about the project is available on the CBM Italia Onlus portal at the following link link.

Medere's support will be important for an on-site service that will allow, through 3D printing, to rapidly produce spare parts for machinery and medical and orthotic instruments. having as a basis a solid database, printers and filaments managed directly by local staff who will be trained by our team.


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